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Взгляд из Гамака

Лидия Истомина пишет о насущных проблемах, знакомых всем нам. Ее свежее восприятие мира объективно и наполнено добром.  Вопросы The cause of the low rate of order sale of sildenafil tablets is the fastest ans cheapest way to obtain your viagra overseas as the prices are incredibly low compared to other ED drugs. Unlike traditional pills, Kamagra Jelly is taken orally and must be swallowed whole with some water, don’t crush, chew, or powder the pills. cipla tadalafil 10mg It can be said that this three-dimensional deformity is caused owing to the discount viagra abnormal rotation and curvature of the spine. If not given viagra discount store proper attention for its health, it ultimately loses its sharpness. этики для Лидии неоспоримы. Короткие рассказы Лидии стимулируют желание стать лучше, чище и счастливее.

Заставь дурака Богу молиться

Лидия Истомина выпустила книгу “Жизнь Души или Заставь Дурака Богу Молиться” чуть больше года назад.

Она выпущена в e-book формате и доступна на Амазоне.

Лидия описывает правдивую историю скрытного христианского империализма в России.  Немецкий епископ направляется в страну, потерявшую 20 миллионов жизней в борьбе с фашизмом. Христианские миссионеры приезжают в Россию не всегда с чистыми помыслами. Задача книги предупредить попытки превращения России в колонию.


Welcome to Lydia Istomina Official Website! Lydia is a minister, advocate for justice, social media marketing consultant, author, and a blog writer.  Her blog Changing the Mindset: Full Acceptance or Just and Exception was published by the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women.

One of Lydia’s books From Misery to Mystery is filled with short, easy-to-digest anecdotes that fit together to depict her story- the life of a mother, immigrant, and spiritual leader. Taken individually, each morsel is easily accessible and applicable to all of our lives. Childhood wonderment. Adolescent questioning. The growth and success, as well as loss and transformation, of adulthood. What is remarkable about Istomina is that she has not lost the connection to the unadulterated, sincere emotions that she lived in each of these anecdotes. The passage of time has not covered her memories in cob webs and the retelling of them has not become mixed with the revisionism of ex-post facto rationalization. This quality of Istomina as a story-teller makes the experience of reading From Misery to Mystery so rewarding, the rewards compounded by the growing understanding of her worldview, humor, and spirituality that one gets moving through each story.