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Mob Mentality

Andrei Sakharov said during his Nobel Lecture in 1975: “Thousands of years ago, tribes of human beings suffered great privations in the struggle to survive. In this struggle it was important not only to be able to handle a club, but also to possess the ability to think reasonably, to take care of the knowledge and experience garnered by the tribe, and to develop the links that would provide cooperation with other tribes. Today the entire human race is faced with a similar test.”

How can you prevent rude comments, bullying, arrogant attitude, and yelling that make sane people want to run away? How many people left their jobs because they refused to be treated inhumanly?  Unfortunately, too many organizations act like tribes that try to survive, competing with other churches rather than cooperating and learning from each other.  We handle a club well, how about handling a dialog?